In order to ensure that servers don't get overwhelmed

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In order to ensure that servers don't get overwhelmed and instead queue as if joining an MMO. Rate limits are in D2R Ladder Items effect now and is being viewed as "mitigation" instead of an ongoing fix, while queues are expected to be in place "in the next few days" at a later date on the PC."

In addition, Blizzard say they've drafted employees from all across the company, "not just on the D2R team" to work on the issues. In the long run, hopefully they'll be running without issues and without limits.

Legacy code's found in Diablo 2: Resurrected is causing widespread connection headachesThe first two weeks of Diablo 2: Resurrected have not been very smooth. The game's launch was a time when players were reporting difficulties with locking-out or disappearing characters, while some were unable to start the game at all.

Three weeks later there are players who are struggling to connect to the servers of the game. Multiple accounts of inquiries into, and resolutions to, Diablo 2: Resurrected login issues have surfaced on BlizzardCS Twitter account since October 9, most recently, just several hours ago.

There are clearly serious problems with the game, and with fans growing increasingly antsy about Blizzard's inability to resolve them, community manager PezRadar has posted a lengthy forum update explaining what's gone wrong, the steps being taken to fix it, how they're going to fix it, and the reason it may take some time to fix the issue completely."

On the morning of Saturday Pacific timing, the site had a global outage due to an abrupt and significant increase in traffic," PezRadar explained. "This was a new threshold that our servers had never had before or even prior to Cheap D2R Items the launch. This was further exacerbated due to an update we put out earlier intended to enhance performance around game creation. These two events overloaded our global database in a way that it began to run out."


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