Get best counseling for OCD – with Nathan Peterson

Finally! A real therapist showing you how to treat your OCD from home. The program covers all topics of OCD! The Online OCD program takes you through REAL treatment. The OCD course covers HOCD, Harm OCD, ROCD, Sensorimotor OCD, Real Event OCD, Intrusive thoughts, and many more OCD topics.

Get best counseling for OCD – with Nathan Peterson


POCD help or Pedophile ocd help is a subset of OCD in which a sufferer has unwanted harmful or sexual thoughts about children. This subtype often results in panic, anguish, shame and depression. People living with PCOD have no desire to harm a child, yet they’re tormented by thoughts of doing so.

The difference between someone living with PCOD and an actual pedophile couldn’t be greater. A pedophile takes pleasure in situation in which they have an opportunity to find sexual gratification around children. Someone living with PCOD will do the exact opposite. Sufferers of PCOD are so horrified by their thoughts that they will avoid children at all costs. The nature of this subtype is so taboo that it often leads to years of suffering in silence.

Common Pedophilia OCD Compulsions:

  • Avoidance: Staying away from social situations where there might be children.
  • Fear: You’re afraid you might act on your thoughts and children around you may be at risk.
  • Character indictment: you think you’re a bad, twisted person for having sexual thoughts or thinking you’re attracted to children.
  • Research: Becoming preoccupied with the morality or legality of finding a person younger than 18 attractive or sexual.

ROCD help stands for Relationship OCD help, a subset of obsessive compulsive disorder where sufferers are filled with doubts about their relationship. Doubts include the person’s love for their partner, whether or not they’re attracted to their partner, and what their level of compatibility is with their partner.

Some common Obsessions

  • Do I really love my partner?
  • Is my partner good enough for me? / Am I good for my partner?
  • Is this the right person? / Am I with the right person?
  • Why have I been thinking about my ex? Does that mean I don’t want to be in this relationship?
  • Is it “normal” to think about leaving your partner?

Relationship ocd treatment with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, specifically with treatment approaches called exposure with response prevention ERP and mindfulness cognitive behavioral therapy. Mindful based CBT teaches patients that everyone experiences intrusive thoughts.

Nathan is a licensed clinical social worker and has dedicated his career to the treatment of OCD and Anxiety Online. He is the director of OCD and Anxiety Counseling located in Texas. He has treated hundreds of individuals who struggle with OCD, anxiety, social anxiety tics and tourettes, BFRB’s and many other anxiety related disorders. His hope is to give those who are suffering the correct tools to reduce symptoms so that they can use these tools throughout their entire life.

Tarun Kumar

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