Comprehensive Guide to Spine Tumor Symptoms and Diagnosis

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Spine tumors are the abnormal growth of cells within the spine or the surrounding area. The spine has a complex structure, as it is a structure of nerves, bones, and discs that offer supper and stability to the body.

Spinal tumors negatively impact hundreds or thousands of people all around the globe, but they remain undiagnosed due to vague symptoms. Spinal tumors are important to diagnose as they can disrupt the functioning of the spinal cord and the motor movements of the body. The spinal cord acts as a bridge between the brain and body for communication, and spinal tumors disrupt this functioning. Therefore, it is important to identify the symptoms of spine tumors. This article will guide you about spine tumors along with their symptoms and diagnosis.  

What are Spine Tumors?

Spine tumors are the abnormal growth of cells within the spine or the surrounding area. The spine has a complex structure, as it is a structure of nerves, bones, and discs that offer supper and stability to the body. These tumors might be benign or malignant. Benign tumors are those tumors that are not harmful or cancerous. On the other hand, malignant tumors spread quickly to the body as they are cancerous. The tumors may originate from different locations, such as nerve tissues, cartilage, or soft tissues. Depending upon the origin of the tumors, there are various types of spine tumors: 

  • Tumors arising from bone or vertebrae are vertebral tumors. They can be both benign and malignant. 

  • The tumors that are within the dura mater, or the membrane that protects the spine, are referred to as intradural tumors. 

  • Extradural tumors occur outside the dura mater, but they still impact the function of the spinal cord. 

  • The tumors that are outside the spinal cord are referred to as extramedullary tumors. 

These tumors may cause severe pain under the ribs or the surrounding area of the lungs, which might raise the need for a lung scan. 


What are the Common Symptoms of Spine Tumors? 

One of the major reasons behind the deaths due to spinal tumors is that they are not properly diagnosed during early stages. The symptoms are vague. However, they are consistent, and that raises a concern. The symptoms of spine tumors include the following: 

  • Severe pain in the back, arms, legs, or neck that does not go away and worsens over time.

  • Weakness and numbness in the arms and legs. 

  • Loss of control over bowel and bladder functioning. 

  • Difficulty walking and being unable to maintain a straight posture. 

  • Always a feeling of numbness and tingling. 

If you face any of such symptoms that are consistent, then you must go to a doctor for an early detection of any abnormality. Early diagnosis increases an individual's lifetime expectancy. 


What are the Ways to Diagnose Spine Tumors?

Diagnosis of spine tumors is a complex process. This process involves a combination of physical examination, imaging testing, and medical history. 

  • A detailed medical history is one of the most important aspects, as family history also highlights the genetic causes of disease. 

  • The physical examination is important to check the neurological health of the person, including sensations and reflex actions.

  • The imaging tests or scans help identify the origin of the tumor and its size it. Different types of imaging tests include: 

    • X-ray scans help visualize the bony structure of the spine and to detect tumors. 

    • The MRI scan offers a detailed view of the soft tissues of the spine to detect any tumors. 

    • The CT scan offers detailed images of the spine to detect any abnormality within the spine. 

    • PET scan or positron emission tomography helps in analyzing the metabolic activity of tumors. 

  • Apart from that, some laboratory tests are also important to detect the presence of any substance within the urine or blood of the person. 

  • Bone scans and bone scans are also important to detect the abnormal growth of tumors within other regions. 


Treatment and Management for Spine Tumors 

The treatment for spine tumors depends upon different factors, such as the size and location of the tumor, as well as the overall health of the person. However, the main goal of the treatment is to improve the quality of life. The treatment options include the following: 

  • The surgical removal of the tumor depends upon the type and location of the tumor. There are different kinds of surgical treatments that include tumor resection, spinal fusion, or laminectomy. 

  • The non-surgical treatment options include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or pain management. 

  • Radio-frequency ablation is another method, which includes the use of heat to kill the cancer cells. 


Spine tumors do not cause abrupt death, but they limit the motor and sensory function of the body. This limitation has a direct impact on the quality of life. Therefore, in case of any symptoms, it is important to go to the doctor for diagnosis. For imaging detection of tumors, ViaScan of Las Colinas offers all types of scans, including MRI, CT, and X-rays, that help in the detection of spine tumors.
